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CLI Commands for HSM

The ckcc helper program, or any other program which can speak Coldcard's USB protocol, and be used in HSM mode. Once HSM mode is started, the usual signing commands are used, but without the need for user interaction. There are a few commands that are disabled in HSM mode, but those are not involved in PSBT or message signing.

To authorize PSBT signing, you may need to use the "auth" command, which transmits a OTP (6 digit) code, or hashed password to the Coldcard.

If the local operator must confirm, then you will need to calculate the appropriate code to be entered. Use ckcc local-conf for this.

Fetch the status of the HSM using ckcc hsm.

Example Sequence#

Starting with the policy file (JSON), shown as an example on this page, and with the Coldcard already in HSM mode, you might sign a transaction with this sequence of ckcc commands:

% ckcc hsm
{'active': True,
 'approvals': 0,
 'chain': 'XTN',
 'last_refusal': None,
 'next_local_code': 'BrstN9qZ28pEaBdrUs3K',
 'pending_auth': 0,
 'period': 240,
 'refusals': 0,
 'sl_reads': 1,
 'summary': '=-=\n'
 'uptime': 491.477,
 'users': ['alice', 'bob']}

% ckcc auth alice 111111
Correct or queued

% ckcc sign test.psbt --visualize
232 bytes (start @ 0) to send from 'attempt.psbt'
Ok! Downloading result (95 bytes) 
0.99990000 XTN
 - to address -

Network fee:
0.00010000 XTN

% ckcc x sign test.psbt -6
232 bytes (start @ 0) to send from 'attempt.psbt'
Waiting for OK on the Coldcard...

You refused permission to do the operation

% ckcc hsm | grep last_refusal
 'last_refusal': "User 'alice' gave wrong auth value: mismatch",

% ckcc hsm | grep pending_auth
 'pending_auth': 0,

% ckcc sign test.psbt -6
232 bytes (start @ 0) to send from 'attempt.psbt'
Waiting for OK on the Coldcard...

You refused permission to do the operation

% ckcc hsm
 'last_refusal': "Rejected: rule #1: local operator didn't confirm, rule #2: "
                 'need user(s) confirmation, rule #3: non-whitelisted address: '

% ckcc local-conf test.psbt 
Local authorization code is:
