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Advanced/Tools Menu

mk4 advanced tools menu q advanced tools menu

The Advanced/Tools Menu on the COLDCARD® provides a powerful suite of tools and options for managing your security, wallet operations, and device configuration. This menu is designed for users who need advanced control over their COLDCARD’s features, from creating encrypted backups and exporting wallet data to generating derived seeds and performing firmware upgrades.

Each option is tailored to maintain the COLDCARD’s air-gapped security while offering flexibility for a range of use cases, including wallet recovery, integration with third-party software, and developer tools for technical users.

The menu options shown reflect firmware versions Mk4: v5.4.1, Q: v1.3.1Q.


mk4 backup menu q backup menu

Video: Create Backup

COLDCARD backups provide a secure and convenient way to restore more than just your Main Seed. These backups cover all of your seeds (including any in the Seed Vault), settings, notes, passwords, and other data.

Backups are saved to the MicroSD card(s) or the Virtual Disk. The backups are encrypted with a strong passphrase, so the file can be safely stored and copied.

The Backup Menu provides features and options for working with your backups.

Learn how to use Backup.

Backup Menu Options

Export Wallet#

mk4 export wallet menu q export wallet menu

The Export Wallet Menu includes options for exporting the currently active seed's public wallet details to create watch-only wallets. Users can choose from export options formatted specifically for some of the most popular wallets, or generic methods that can work on many wallets.

Wallet exports can be saved to the Micro SD card(s) or Virtual Disk, as well as shared via NFC or QR/BBQr codes. This allows you to import the information to a computer or phone without needing to connect the COLDCARD.

The export files created are sensitive for privacy, as they contain the information needed to generate your addresses. However, they do not contain any information that can compromise your funds directly.

Export Wallet Menu Options
  • Bitcoin Core: This saves commands and instructions into a file, including the public keys (XPUB). You can then run the commands in Bitcoin Core's console.

  • Fully Noded: This saves a JSON file to use with the Fully Noded Wallet. Works for both single signature and multisig wallets.

  • Sparrow Wallet: This saves a JSON file to use with Sparrow Wallet. Works for both single signature and multisig wallets.

  • Nunchuk: This saves a JSON file to use with Nunchuk Wallet. Works for both single signature and multisig wallets.

  • Zeus: This saves a ranged XPUB descriptor for Zeus Wallet.

  • Electrum Wallet: This save a skeleton Electrum wallet file. You can open that file in Electrum to use as a watch-only wallet.

  • Theya: This saves a JSON file to use with Theya Wallet. Works for both single signature and multisig wallets.

  • Wasabi Wallet: This save a skeleton Wasabi wallet file. You can open that file in Wasabi to use as a watch-only wallet.

  • Unchained: This saves multisig XPUB information required to setup on the Unchained platform.

  • Lily Wallet: This saves a JSON file to use with Lily Wallet. Works for both single signature and multisig wallets.

  • Samourai Postmix: This saves a ranged XPUB descriptor for Samourai POST-MIX account.

  • Samourai Premix: This saves a ranged XPUB descriptor for Samourai PRE-MIX account.

  • Descriptor: This saves a ranged XPUB descriptor.

  • Generic JSON: Saves JSON file with XPUB values that are needed to watch typical single-signer UTXO associated with the COLDCARD.

  • Export XPUB: This exports (via QR or NFC) the COLDCARDs XPUB for several address types, or shows the current XFP. The default export format is BIP-32 (XPUB), but can be switched to SLIP-32 (ZPUB) by pressing 2 after choosing an address type.

Export XPUB Menu
  • Segwit (BIP-84): Produces an XPUB for the Segwit (BIP-84) address type.

  • Classic (BIP-44): Creates an XPUB for the Classic (BIP-44) address type.

  • P2WPKH/P2SH (BIP-49): Generates an XPUB for the P2WPKH/P2SH (BIP-49) address type.

  • Master XPUB: Gives the Master XPUB, which can be used to generate any address type.

  • Current XFP: Shows the currently active XFP of the COLDCARD.

  • Dump Summary: Saves a text file with a summary of the public details of your wallet, and any multisig wallets. For example, this gives the XPUB that you will need to import other wallet software to track balance.

Upgrade Firmware#

mk4 upgrade firmware menu q upgrade firmware menu

Video: Q: How to Upgrade Video: Mk4: How to Upgrade

This is where you can upgrade the firmware, or check the current version.

Learn how to use Upgrade Firmware.

Upgrade Firmware Menu
  • Show Version: Displays the version details of the firmware, bootloader, and various hardware in this order:

    • COLDCARD firmware version number and date
    • Bootloader version
    • Serial number
    • NFC UID
    • Hardware version
    • Secure Elements chips type
    • QR scanner version (Q only)
    • GPU version (Q only)
  • From MicroSD: Upgrade the COLDCARD's firmware from a .dfu file saved to a MicroSD card.

  • From VirtDisk: Upgrade the COLDCARD's firmware from a .dfu file saved to the Virtual Disk.

File Management#

mk4 file management menu q file management menu

The File Management Menu is a suite of options designed to handle file-related operations. There are options for managing backups, exporting wallets, signing files/transactions, sharing files, cloning the COLDCARD, and more file-based tasks.

File Management Menu
  • Verify Backup: Performs a CRC32 check on your backup file.

  • Backup System: Create an encrypted backup, used restore your COLDCARD (wallet seeds, settings, notes, passwords, etc), as a 7z archive and saves it to your MicroSD card(s) or Virtual Disk.

  • Export Wallet: Use this option to create data files for various wallets. Allows you to import data while keeping your COLDCARD offline. Identical to the Export Wallet section above.

  • Sign Text File: Add a Bitcoin signature to a file already on your MicroSD card.

  • Batch Sign PSBT: Sign multiple PSBT files in a single, streamlined session.

  • List Files: Show a list of all files on the MicroSD card and Virtual Disk. Selecting a file shows the SHA-256 hash, along with options for signing the file digest or deleting the file.

  • Verify Sig File: Verifies the Bitcoin signature on a file.

  • NFC File Share: Share a file by tapping another NFC enabled device. Must have NFC hardware enabled.

  • BBQr File Share: Create a BBQr of a file to be scanned with a camera.

  • QR File Share: Produce a QR code of a file. If the file is too large for QR, the COLDCARD will switch to BBQr automatically.

  • Clone Coldcard: Use this feature to turn an extra, blank COLDCARD into a copy of another COLDCARD.

  • Format SD Card: Format the inserted MicroSD card. Please note, formatting does not create a secure erase of the contents.

  • Format RAM Disk: Erase and reformat the shared RAM disk. This is a secure erase that blanks every byte.

Secure Notes & Passwords (Q Only)#

q notes & passwords menu

Video: Passwords Video: Notes

Secure Notes & Passwords allow the Q to store text notes and passwords directly to the COLDCARD. The notes and passwords are encrypted along with your other settings, and will be backed-up with them.

Initially this option allows you to enable the Secure Notes & Passwords feature. Once enabled, you can access the Secure Notes & Passwords Menu from the Main Menu or from here.

Learn how to use Secure Notes & Passwords.

Secure Notes & Passwords Menu
  • Existing Notes: Any existing notes will be listed here. Selecting a note will bring you to the Existing Note Menu.
Existing Note Menu
  • View Note: View all the note details.

  • Edit: Edit note and/or title.

  • Delete: Delete the note.

  • Export: Save the note details to the MicroSD card(s), Virtual Disk, or show as a QR code. This export is NOT encrypted. Your secrets will appear in cleartext.

  • Sign Note Text: Add a Bitcoin signature to the note.

  • Existing Passwords: Saved passwords will be shown here. Selecting one will open up the Existing Password Menu.
Existing Password Menu
  • View Password: View all the password details.

  • Send Password: COLDCARD can emulate a keyboard and send keystrokes to a connected computer.

  • Export: Save the password details to the MicroSD card(s), Virtual Disk, or show as a QR code. This export is NOT encrypted. Your secrets will appear in cleartext.

  • Edit Metadata: Edit any of the parts of the password entry, except for the password itself.

  • Delete: Delete this password entry.

  • Change Password: Edit just the password part of the entry.

  • Sign Note Text: Add a Bitcoin signature to the password.

  • New Note: Create a new note.

  • New Password: Create a new password.

  • Export All: Bulk export all notes and passwords. This export is NOT encrypted. Your secrets will appear in cleartext.

  • Sort By Title: Sort all notes and passwords in alphabetical order.

  • Disable Feature: Disables the Secure Notes & Passwords feature. All notes and passwords must be deleted for this option to be available.

  • Import: Bulk import notes and/or passwords.

Derive Seeds (BIP-85)#

mk4 derive seeds menu q derive seeds menu

Video: Using BIP-85

COLDCARD can generate and export deterministic entropy for other wallets (BIP-85) based on the current wallet's seed value. The derived seeds are unique, and cannot be traced back to the original seed. However, the original seed can be used to recreate any derived seeds.

The generated seed can be saved to the MicroSD card, Virtual Disk, exported via NFC or QR, or enabled on the COLDCARD (and possibly saved to the Seed Vault).

Learn how to use Derive Seeds (BIP-85).

Derive Seeds (BIP-85) Menu
  • 12 words: Derive a 12 word BIP-39 seed.

  • 18 words: Generate an 18 word BIP-39 seed.

  • 24 words: Create a 24 word BIP-39 seed.

  • WIF (privkey): Produce a private key in WIF (Wallet Import Format).

  • XPRV (BIP-32): Generate a BIP-32 XPRV.

  • 32-bytes hex: Derive 32 bytes of hex data.

  • 64-bytes hex: Create 64 bytes of hex data.

  • Passwords: Generate a password according to BIP-85 PWD BASE64.

View Identity#

mk4 view identity menu q view identity menu

Displays details about your wallet:

  • Master Key Fingerprint (XFP)
  • USB Serial Number
  • Extended Master Key (XPUB)
  • Shipping Bag Number
  • An option to display a QR code for the XPUB

Temporary Seed#

mk4 temp seed menu q temp seed menu

Video: Temp Seed & Seed Vault

Temporary Seeds are seeds completely separate from the Main Seed that can be used on the COLDCARD. Typically they are held in the COLDCARD RAM and do not survive reboots, although it is possible to save Temporary Seeds for future use in the Seed Vault.

The Temporary Seed Menu provides tools for creating and importing Temporary Seeds.

Learn how to use Temporary Seed.

Temporary Seed Menu
  • Generate Words: The COLDCARD will create a set of words to use as a Temporary Seed, the length and entropy source will be selected in the Generate Words Menu. You will be shown the words and given options for adding dice rolls (when not selecting one of the dice roll exclusive options) or viewing as a QR code.
Generate Words Menu
  • Import from QR Scan: Import a Temporary Seed by scanning a QR code. (Q only)
  • Import Words: Enter your Temporary Seed words in one at a time, or import with NFC.
Import Words Menu
  • 12 Words: Use for importing a 12 word Temporary Seed.
  • 18 Words: This is for importing an 18 word Temporary Seed.
  • 24 Words: Choose this for importing a 24 word Temporary Seed.
  • Import via NFC: Select to start listening for an NFC enabled device to send the Temporary Seed to the COLDCARD by tapping them together. This method is considered insecure since it requires having unencrypted seed words on a mobile device.
  • Import XPRV: Import a Temporary Seed from an XPRV. It can be imported from an SD card, the Virtual Disk, via NFC, or (Q only) by scanning a QR code.
  • Tapsigner Backup: Use a TAPSIGNER encrypted backup as a Temporary Seed. The backup can be on an SD card, Virtual Disk, tapped via NFC, or (Q only) scanned in a QR code.
  • Coldcard Backup: This will import an encrypted COLDCARD backup as a Temporary Seed.

Paper Wallets#

mk4 paper wallets menu q paper wallet menu

Video: Create Paper Wallet

The Paper Wallets Menu enables you to make a paper wallet with no link to your existing COLDCARD wallet. The COLDCARD generates a new random private key and provides a text file with the information necessary to use the new paper wallet.

Learn how to use Paper Wallets.

Paper Wallets Menu
  • Don't make PDF: If you have a PDF template saved to your MicroSD card, the COLDCARD will save text and QR codes onto it. This is a toggle option. Once you choose a template PDF to use it will change to Making PDF on the menu.
  • Classic P2PKH: - This is a toggle option. Selecting it will let you choose between Classic P2PKH and Segwit/P2WPKH. The chosen option will then show on the menu.
  • Use Dice: Applies the number of dice rolls you choose to add entropy to the new wallet.
  • GENERATE WALLET: Generates the wallet.

Enable HSM (Mk4 Only)#

Enable the Hardware Security Module (HSM) mode.

User Management (Mk4 Only)#

Currently only used with Hardware Security Module (HSM) mode.

Learn more about User Management.

NFC Tools#

mk4 nfc tools menu q nfc tools menu

Video: Q with NFC Video: Mk4 with NFC

NFC Tools are a fast, secure way to interact with the COLDCARD. NFC uses a short-range protocol that minimizes exposure risk while maintaining an airgap.

The NFC Tools Menu contains various actions to perform on data received via NFC, and an option to share the text from a file on an SD card or the Virtual Disk.

NFC Tools is only available if the NFC hardware is enabled: Settings > Hardware On/Off > NFC Sharing > Enable NFC.

Learn more about NFC Tools.

NFC Tools Menu
  • Sign PSBT: Provide a binary or base64 encoded PSBT file, as defined in BIP-174, and receive a signed PSBT file back (after approval by the user).
  • Show Address: Same as USB show address but path and address format are provided via NFC.
  • Sign Message: Send message, path and address format over NFC and receive a signed Bitcoin message (after approval by the user).
  • Verify Sig File: Send a signed message and are shown on the COLDCARD if the message was able to be verified.
  • Verify Address: Send an address or a BIP-21 payment URI and the COLDCARD will verify if the address is owned by the device.
  • File Share: Share a file from an SD card via NFC. For example a signed Bitcoin transaction or PSBT file can be transmitted this way.
  • Import Multisig: With the help of a mobile wallet designed for multisig, the config file for a new multisig wallet can be received via NFC using this menu choice.

Danger Zone#

mk4 danger zone menu q danger zone menu

The Danger Zone Menu is for potentially risky operations that can impact the COLDCARD's security, functionality of the device, or funds it controls.

This menu is intended for users who understand the implications of these actions, often developers or highly technical users, since some operations can lead to irreversible consequences like wiping the seed or bricking the device.

Use With Extreme Caution

Options within the Danger Zone can risk the COLDCARD's security, functionality, and funds.

Danger Zone Menu
  • Debug Functions: Test some error cases such as exceptions. Mostly harmless.
Debug Functions Menu
  • Keyboard Test: Test typing on the COLDCARD.
  • BBQr Demo (Q Only): Display a BBQr code on the COLDCARD Q.
  • Debug: assert: Show an assertion error on screen and shutdown.
  • Debug: except: Display an exception error on screen and shutdown.
  • Check: BL FW: Perform firmware check.
  • Warm Reset: Restart the COLDCARD without fully powering off or clearing all memory.
  • Seed Functions: Contains functions for interacting with your wallet's seed, including destroying it.
Seed Functions Menu
  • View Seed Words: Show a warning, then display the seed words on the COLDCARD screen.

    If a BIP-39 passphrase is enabled, you will be show the seed words, notified that a passphrase is active (the passphrase itself will be hidden), and shown the resulting XPRV of the seed and passphrase together.

    Video: Seed XOR

    Press 1 on the MK4, or the QR key on the Q, to display the seed words as a QR code.

  • Seed XOR: Seed XOR takes your existing seed words and splits them into two or more sets of new seed words. This is useful for securing your original seed words as two or more distinct secrets that can be stored separately and combined as needed to recover the original seed.

Seed XOR Menu
  • Split Existing: Split your seed to 2, 3, or 4 parts. The parts are created deterministically, but there is an option to create them randomly if desired.

  • Restore Seed XOR: Combine parts of an XOR'd seed. The order of the parts does not matter, but the combined seed parts must be equal length. The COLDCARD does not know the total number of parts, so you may stop entering parts at any time to get the combined seed.

Video: Destroy Seed

  • Destroy Seed: Erase seed words and resets the wallet. You cannot recover funds without a backup of the original seed words. Read the Are you SURE?!? confirmation screen carefully.

  • Export SeedQR: Show the seed words in a QR code in the SeedQR format.

  • I Am Developer.: Enable various debugging modes and features for MicroPython programmers and experimenters.
I Am Developer Menu
  • Serial REPL: An interactive programming environment that allows you to send commands over USB to the COLDCARD and receive responses in real time.

  • Warm Reset: Restart the COLDCARD without fully powering off or clearing all memory.

  • Restore Txt Bkup: Restore from a text backup file.

  • BKPW Override: Use your own backup password, instead of one generated by the COLDCARD.

  • Seed Vault: Enable or disable the Seed Vault. Default is disabled.

  • Perform Selftest: Start the factory self-test which clears the settings, but not the seed. MicroSD card required.

  • Set High-Water: Record a new minimum version number for future upgrades and prevents downgrades below current version. Critical updates automatically set high-water.

  • Clear OV cache: Clear history of SegWit UTXO input values.

  • Clear Address cache: Clear the address cache that the COLDCARD builds for faster ownership lookups.

  • Sighash Checks: Allow exotic SIGHASH values to be signed, even those we consider too risky.

  • Testnet Mode: Select which blockchain: mainnet, testnet4, or regtest.

  • AE Start Index: Enable or disable the ability to set any index number to begin displaying addresses from in the Address Explorer. Default is disabled.

  • B85 Idx Values: Enable or disable index numbers over 9999 when deriving entropy. Default is disabled.

  • Settings Space: Display the Settings storage space being used.

  • MCU Key Slots: Show the remaining microcontroller unit (MCU) key slots. The MCU has 256 total slots. Slots are consumed during some wipe options found in Trick PINs, and the Destroy Seed functions from any menu.

  • Bless Firmware: Clear the red CAUTION LED if your firmware upgrade is interrupted before you confirm it.

  • Reflash GPU (Q Only): This action reloads the firmware on the GPU co-processor. Should not be needed in normal use.

  • Wipe LFS: Erase the internal file system and rebuild it. Resets the contents of the internal flash area used to store settings, address search cache, and HSM config file.

    Does not affect funds, or seed words, but will reset settings used with other temporary seeds and BIP-39 passphrases. Does not affect MicroSD card.